Published 7:35 PM by F0 with 0 comment

MOU between UMBY and Wijaya Putra University Surabaya

In order to expand cooperation between universities for the implementation of Education, Research and Community Service activities, Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta (UMBY) collaborated with Wijaya Putra University (UWP) Surabaya. The event was held in the Seminar Room of the Rectorate Building Campus 1 UMBY, Jalan Raya Wates Sedayu Bantul, at 13.00-15.00 WIB. Friday, (29/07/2022).

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Published 8:01 AM by F0 with 0 comment

Maximize your productivity with Music Lab

Maximize your productivity with Music Lab, be efficient and work smarter, not harder. Allow yourself to relax and calm your mind while listening to these motivational yet unobtrusive songs. The best Indonesian songs that are pleasing to the ear, motivational, encouraging and inspiring – Indonesian musicians have created thousands of beautiful works for music lovers in Indonesia, not infrequently some of them are the best works of the nation's children and are liked by all music fans. Of course, this will be influenced by musical tastes, generations, and genres of songs performed.

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Published 8:13 AM by F0 with 0 comment

Cara Kerja scanner / Pemindai Radio

Udara di sekitar Anda penuh dengan gelombang radio. Anda tahu bahwa Anda dapat menyalakan radio AM/FM di mobil Anda dan menerima lusinan stasiun. Anda dapat menyalakan radio CB dan menerima 40 lainnya. Anda dapat menyalakan TV dan menerima banyak saluran siaran. Ponsel dapat mengirim dan menerima ratusan frekuensi. 

Dan ini hanyalah puncak spektrum radio. Secara harfiah, puluhan ribu siaran radio dan percakapan melintas dengan kita scanner frekuensi melewati Anda saat Anda membaca artikel ini -- petugas polisi, pemadam kebakaran, pengemudi ambulans, paramedis, pekerja sanitasi, astronot pesawat ulang-alik, pengemudi mobil balap, dan bahkan bayi dengan monitornya sedang mentransmisikan gelombang radio di sekitar Anda saat ini juga!

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